Originally posted by DancingMachine
well f1 friends like ive mentioned before ive got lots of people in and around the circuit who knows the drivers n the teams..Michael schumachers best friend is a dude of mine. and he keeps news of mc laren as well...from his news...mclaren hasent been on top this season..the reason is theve been concentrating really hard on traction control..even between races...since traction control will be given the green signal from the spanish gp, everything will change..the team which uses this advantage will get on top..so look out for McLaren..
Well, I hope your dude has also kept an eye on Ferrari, Williams, and the Honda teams. BUT, I could have told you that McLaren will still be one of the top teams because they never went away. Just llok at hte qualification times. The only reason Mika hasn't done so well are minor problems with the car. Still, please keep us informed with the latest news - it's always great to get the good oil from the horse's mouth.