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Old 15 Jun 2023, 10:08 (Ref:4163819)   #1
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The LM24 Classic 2023

OK i know we are still recovering from the main event but who will be returning later this month for the classic.
let us know if you are going, when you are arriving, where you are staying/camping and what car you will be taking.
Arriving Thursday Leaving monday Morning
Eppinettes camping
Dark Green Triumph Stag Plus an MX5
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 10:38 (Ref:4163824)   #2
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Truckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTruckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTruckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTruckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Sadly not. Everyone in our group chose to do the 24hrs in preference to the Classic.

It is a shame it is so close to the main race as it makes it harder to do both if you have other work/family commitments in your life.
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 10:59 (Ref:4163827)   #3
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Originally Posted by Truckosaurus View Post
Sadly not. Everyone in our group chose to do the 24hrs in preference to the Classic.

It is a shame it is so close to the main race as it makes it harder to do both if you have other work/family commitments in your life.
Exactly this. I went to the first one in 2002 as it was held in September. Although I'm retired so don't have work to worry about, the Classic is still far too close to do that and the 24 Hours (and the 24 Hours will always take precedence).
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 12:50 (Ref:4163850)   #4
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Makes me think that, after baking his bread, our very dear Adam showed the rolling road figures of his MG B… Adam, c'on, dont be shy, tell us if you're preparing something. Just out of my curiosity, with such a cam and powerfigures, is your engine below the 2,2 liter mark?

May be useless but you never know:https://www.lemansclassic.com/en/ Le programme: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gnqywgqq4...-2023.pdf?dl=0
Results and live timing from the same spanish provider:http://peterautoracing.alkamelsystems.com/
Its not really a 24 hour race, each grid called plateau will do 45' stints but its non stop event (working at night I mean).
Entry lists:https://www.dropbox.com/s/64to4wgyok...entry.pdf?dl=0
Live streaming, have to check but usually on FB and YT.
Messieurs, démarrez vos engins fantastiques!
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 12:30 (Ref:4163845)   #5
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I see your point Andrew but don't forget this is not a permanent track and a real hassle to close all the main roads around. It was said that the total cost is between 45k and 65k€ per hour. Not pocket money.

And for your eyes only, see what a Pug responsible can do about safety:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjYbQVHqu3E May be it was a big rabbit's fault… Hey, Carlos, make a selfie!
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 14:42 (Ref:4163872)   #6
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Originally Posted by Gerard C View Post
I see your point Andrew but don't forget this is not a permanent track and a real hassle to close all the main roads around. It was said that the total cost is between 45k and 65k€ per hour. Not pocket money.
Not sure what difference that makes Gerard? The roads will have been opened after the 24 Hours and will have to be closed again for the Classic, whether it's held in June or September...
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 19:42 (Ref:4163919)   #7
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Originally Posted by Aysedasi View Post
Not sure what difference that makes Gerard? The roads will have been opened after the 24 Hours and will have to be closed again for the Classic, whether it's held in June or September...
Yes, of course you're right. But they have to take care about gonzos wanting to use the chicanes, the lights/wirings/cables could be stolen and more important there is a lot of shops whose business is impacted.

To give you a rough idea, (Patrick Peter is a very wise businessman) over the years this event became more and more important with a lot of foreign venues and the increasing bill issued by ACO could have compromised the financial balance. Since several years, there's a joint venture between PA and ACO (well, more likely Fillon the brother of you know who), and LMC is now a company on its own. Sorry for the pigeon English, but I'm quite convinced you got the picture.
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 13:24 (Ref:4163855)   #8
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Wishing it was a bit later in the summer now, found out the route back to Paris on our trip to France goes right through a certain town. There will be a stop even if it is not race day
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 15:57 (Ref:4163888)   #9
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RL17 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridRL17 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridRL17 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
They leave lots of the marquees and toilet/shower infrastructure up for private campsite where we stay on Porsche curves. Think they used to take marquee down.

Squashed a bit closer this year for exhibition of the cars etc as that runs until just after close of Classic.

Been since 2014 but they are pretty similar, more a moving museum than history being made like last WE. Again too many commitments and ferries to board this year.
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Old 15 Jun 2023, 19:49 (Ref:4163920)   #10
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Before watching/attending LMC, I had really few interst in pre-war stuff. But now, I'm fascinated by those machines and their dare devil drivers/owners. I cant even imagine what it takes to maintain those "things". When my Dad did LM, it was in '39 but the cars were in no way comparable to any Talbot, Bentley or FN of the first era. Ever heard about the story of the Bentley boys? https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/a...de-their-name/
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Old 16 Jun 2023, 17:43 (Ref:4164033)   #11
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kartman24 should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Heading down to the Classic again this year, 1960 Fairthorpe Zeta, 8.15 ferry Portsmouth to Caen, taking part in the 8am Track session on the Friday. If anyone on here is at the circuit while we are circulating i would love some track side footage of the car.
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Old 28 Jun 2023, 17:40 (Ref:4165791)   #12
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Well leaving early in the morning for the classic, so will not be on ten-tenths for a while.
If anyone sees a dark green triumph stag please wave, hopefully we wil get there early evening and will be camping in eppinettes.
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Old 28 Jun 2023, 19:11 (Ref:4165794)   #13
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Originally Posted by GT6 View Post
If anyone sees a dark green triumph stag
BRG or Java? Have fun its the Centenary race again.
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Old 28 Jun 2023, 20:49 (Ref:4165801)   #14
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Originally Posted by Gerard C View Post
BRG or Java? Have fun its the Centenary race again.
It is actually emerald green (that is what it was called for that year), but BRG is
what most people would call it
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Old 28 Jun 2023, 17:57 (Ref:4165793)   #15
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Have a good time Simon - and everyone else who's going.
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Old 29 Jun 2023, 12:47 (Ref:4165834)   #16
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OK very nice car. We had so few here due to some reason mainly the overheating issues. Well in fact its because back in the day we had no mechanic able to fix anything else than a R4 or Deuche! Then, imagine SU carbs, Lucas injection and imperial bolts requiring a different set of spanners, all this was too much for them. If your friend knows any thing bad with his/her Miata, take care, the spare parts prices follow the gold rate here! And its on prepaid order only…

Have fun, dont forget we have the habit to drive on the right side of the road. Well sometimes…
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Old 29 Jun 2023, 16:33 (Ref:4165850)   #17
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Just a thought, hoping its not too late for you, we have a dynamic club named MX5 Club de France, they will display some Miatas, Eunos and so on and will be on the track for the parade. Try to join them, may be?
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Old 30 Jun 2023, 07:21 (Ref:4165912)   #18
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Re the tickets there's a special offer for Sunday entrance only valid from 6 AM. In fact, everything works the same way as LM 24, tickets can be bought throught the website including official resale.
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Old 30 Jun 2023, 15:07 (Ref:4165970)   #19
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An old GrpC Porsche 962 (Kelleners at wheel): speed 334 km/h, 3'45".
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Old 1 Jul 2023, 01:42 (Ref:4166029)   #20
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Originally Posted by Gerard C View Post
An old GrpC Porsche 962 (Kelleners at wheel): speed 334 km/h, 3'45".
That car is ran by Joest Racing. Newly returned to racing this year I believe.

The double winged Porsches seem to be the car to beat.
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Old 1 Jul 2023, 07:59 (Ref:4166051)   #21
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For those having interest or curiosity in what was the real thing, this link might entertain you, one lap with Sir Stirling Moss in 1956, on board a D Type Jag':

Yes, roads were not closed, t'was for the pictures only. Compared to this, the LM 66 movie is rather Hollywood style. But I'm biased because I think Steve McQueen version was the best ever so far and some of my friends took part.
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Old 30 Jun 2023, 18:27 (Ref:4165991)   #22
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RL17 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridRL17 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridRL17 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
They are a lot lighter than the current Hypercars aren’t they?
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Old 30 Jun 2023, 19:12 (Ref:4165999)   #23
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Originally Posted by RL17 View Post
They are a lot lighter than the current Hypercars aren’t they?
Correct! As to the tires I don't think that they offer the same perfs as the modern ones.

Correct again, the brake pads compound you can find nowadays is much better than was in period. Another thing "making" them faster is that its not a 24 H race, each grid has several stints of 45' each. The target is the pure performance so WTF endurance !
Still its a wonderful show and race showing competitors coming from all over the world. When they are too rich and rather slow, they rent professionnals…
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Old 30 Jun 2023, 18:50 (Ref:4165994)   #24
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Truckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTruckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTruckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTruckosaurus should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
I assume they also have modern tyres and brake pad compounds making them quicker than when they were in period.
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Old 30 Jun 2023, 19:16 (Ref:4166000)   #25
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Porsche 962: 820 to 850 kilos, compared to this any Hypercar weights a boat anchor! Or a dead donkey. And know what, there's no room under the front bonnet to host a squirrel!!!
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