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Old 16 Apr 2010, 08:00 (Ref:2673488)   #1
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2010 how, where and when?

As the race rapidly approaches and many people in this forum will be traveling down in lest than 8 weeks I thought it might be interesting to know what peoples plans are so if you see me on the journey or in the campsite please say hello

So here are my plans

Car Silver Rover 75 tourer

7.50am eurotunnel on Wednesday morning

Camping Tertre Rouge

return Sunday 10.20pm eurotunnel
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 10:09 (Ref:2673550)   #2
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Originally Posted by GT6 View Post
As the race rapidly approaches and many people in this forum will be traveling down in lest than 8 weeks I thought it might be interesting to know what peoples plans are so if you see me on the journey or in the campsite please say hello

So here are my plans

Car Silver Rover 75 tourer

7.50am eurotunnel on Wednesday morning

Camping Tertre Rouge

return Sunday 10.20pm eurotunnel
I shall be driving the above car (hopefully )
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 11:57 (Ref:2673586)   #3
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On the 1320 Eurotunnel crossing on Weds, driving down to Condeau, over to LM first thing Thursday, camping in Tertre Rouge, back to Condeau Sunday night, and leisurely up to Calais for the 1850 Eurotunnel on Monday.

Less impressively driving a red Toyota Prius (ducks for cover)
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 12:59 (Ref:2673615)   #4
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Originally Posted by isynge View Post
On the 1320 Eurotunnel crossing on Weds, driving down to Condeau, over to LM first thing Thursday, camping in Tertre Rouge, back to Condeau Sunday night, and leisurely up to Calais for the 1850 Eurotunnel on Monday.

Less impressively driving a red Toyota Prius (ducks for cover)
How after some of you previous post do you have the nerve to take a prius to Le mans, surely walking would be less embarassing, might see you in the camp site then, suspect you might be the only prius there
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 13:00 (Ref:2673619)   #5
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get a car cover
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 13:20 (Ref:2673634)   #6
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Took a Prius to LM in 2007 and it didn't get keyed - so I'm optimistic of escaping unscathed this time too.

I can appreciate the irony, walking indeed might be less embarrassing, but can't quite warrant taking that much time off work and worry that tent / barbecue etc might be too heavy over that distance.
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 13:26 (Ref:2673636)   #7
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well at you should be able to get to the campsite, but what happens when you want to stop or has the dealer now added an anchor and chain to assist you
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 13:29 (Ref:2673642)   #8
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Figure I'll put it in neutral when I go in through the gate by the corner and rely on the uphill road to the campsite to slow everything down.

And let's get everything in perspective, this is a Prius we're talking about, the terminal velocity isn't that high!
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 13:39 (Ref:2673649)   #9
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I thought the accelerator had a habit of sticking full on and then the brakes fail, that should mean you passing our tent a walking pace until you hit a pile of beer bottles.
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 14:01 (Ref:2673665)   #10
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For us it will be arriving wednesday morning at camping Houx with a Black Fiat 500 ( with checkered flag on its roof ), setting up the tent and partytent and then a little sleep before starting our Le Mans 2010!
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Old 16 Apr 2010, 18:51 (Ref:2673827)   #11
Karl Kling
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How: Well, by car. Not sure what car yet but hopefully i'll find a nice one in time.
Where: Beausejour, only site left. Decided on going just a couple of weeks ago so i had to take what i could get...
When: Try to be there on wednesday morning. Going home Monday morning.
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Old 17 Apr 2010, 10:17 (Ref:2674123)   #12
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How : with my Peugeot HDi FAP
Where : tribune Lagache (Michelin) F38 for Group C, the Village for the TT meeting, tribune Lagache for the start and around the circuit, Tertre Rouge at twilight, Indianapolis at dawn.
When : I will try to see the qualifs on thursday.
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Old 18 Apr 2010, 10:06 (Ref:2674755)   #13
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GTfour has a real shot at the podium!GTfour has a real shot at the podium!GTfour has a real shot at the podium!GTfour has a real shot at the podium!GTfour has a real shot at the podium!
-Leave Holland early Wednesday morning to,hopefully,arrive around 3 in
the afternoon.

-Be driving there in a Silver grey '99 Toyota Supra(RHD,BBS wheels).

-Camping at Houx annexe with about twelve people. The center of our camp will have our usuall doublepoint roof gazebo
and a flagpole identifying us as dutchmen. Also,one'll find said Supra,a yellow Elise Mk1,a white Mustang GT500('th bleu striping),a black metallic 911 RUF BTR,a black Evo 8 and a black Volkswagen van.

-Leaving Mondaymorning(ish)

Please do come around and have a cold beer or two! Or a nice french wine,ofcourse.

Last edited by GTfour; 18 Apr 2010 at 10:18.
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Old 19 Apr 2010, 15:01 (Ref:2675901)   #14
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Well I've held back on this as I thought I ought to give the 'honour' of responding to my team leader, M. Bentley! But as he's clearly fast asleep somewhere, I thought I'd reply after all....

James and I are off to La Belle France on the morning of Sunday 6th June, hopefully arriving about 3 pm, I believe. Then its a drive down to Le Mans, picking up supplies on the way. We're staying for the week in St. Saturnin, so I guess we'll be in Le Mans town for scrutineering as soon as we're able and of course in the circuit for practice and qually on Wednesday and Thursday. The Great British Welcome at St. Sat beckons on Friday before the pits walkabout and (hopefully) the driver parade. We'll be at the circuit I'm sure nice and early on Saturday, ready for the lunchtime Tenths rendezvous before we go off to our grandstands (James is in 17 while I still favour 34!). I'm sure we'll be out and about around the circuit during the race, which should include a trip out to Arnage and Indianapolis and after the race we'll meander back to Caen for the 4.30 return trip to Portsmouth.

The time seems to have flown over the last few weeks since I arranged this with James and all I can say is - I'm bally well looking forward to it!!!
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Old 19 Apr 2010, 17:38 (Ref:2676002)   #15
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Originally Posted by Aysedasi View Post
Well I've held back on this as I thought I ought to give the 'honour' of responding to my team leader, M. Bentley! But as he's clearly fast asleep somewhere, I thought I'd reply after all....

James and I are off to La Belle France on the morning of Sunday 6th June, hopefully arriving about 3 pm, I believe. Then its a drive down to Le Mans, picking up supplies on the way. We're staying for the week in St. Saturnin, so I guess we'll be in Le Mans town for scrutineering as soon as we're able and of course in the circuit for practice and qually on Wednesday and Thursday. The Great British Welcome at St. Sat beckons on Friday before the pits walkabout and (hopefully) the driver parade. We'll be at the circuit I'm sure nice and early on Saturday, ready for the lunchtime Tenths rendezvous before we go off to our grandstands (James is in 17 while I still favour 34!). I'm sure we'll be out and about around the circuit during the race, which should include a trip out to Arnage and Indianapolis and after the race we'll meander back to Caen for the 4.30 return trip to Portsmouth.

The time seems to have flown over the last few weeks since I arranged this with James and all I can say is - I'm bally well looking forward to it!!!
Sleep.....haven't had much recently. Been somewhat preoccupied by the knock-on effects of events in Iceland (as have many of us who work in the travel industry). Complete nightmare!

Just to add to Ayse's post; we will also be availing ourselves of Toyota power. For us, it's my pre-Toyota GT-One vintage Camry V6, the old girl making just her second trip to Le Mans. Our outbound crossing is scheduled to arrive in Le Havre at 12:45, so hopefully we'll miss just the first hour and a half of Sunday scrutineering. And, since our return crossing doesn't leave until 18:30 the following Monday, we are planning an end of trip lunch in Honfleur on our way back to Le Havre.

Yep, can't wait!
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Old 19 Apr 2010, 18:12 (Ref:2676021)   #16
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Oh well, my timings were a bit out, but it seems we'll be in France earlier than I said (nice!) and in France for longer than I said (nicer!)
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 06:57 (Ref:2676335)   #17
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I shall be travelling in my 1961 Austin Healey 3000 on Wednesday morning from Newhaven Dieppe with 20 odd friends in a variety of cars and a van.

We have a hotel on Wednesday night before heading for Maison Blanche campsite on Thursday.

I have no grandstand seat this year for the first time in years.

I will hopefully make the Ten Tenths meet for the first time despite having been in Le Mans for every meet so far I have always failed to make it.

We then head off after the race to a hotel in Bagnoles d' lorne before getting the return ferry on Monday evening.
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 08:02 (Ref:2676362)   #18
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Once again, I will be present to marshal the event from poste 106 (the straight after Arnage).

Plan is to use the Poole-Cherbourg fastcat ferry on Sunday 6th in my Jaguar XK (BRG!), and arrive in town for around 2PM-ish!!!!!

Our poste's marshals campsite is 50 metres up the sideroad by the post, where I will be meeting up with marshals of nine different nationalities for the week long experience, and no doubt at different stages I will be seen in the wheelchair at scrutineering, pitlane and other places around the area during the week. Also planning to do the Great British Welcome for the first time.

Relaxing on poste over the weekend, either marshalling or watching the race on our 20 foot TV projector, and then returning on Monday morning to Cherbourg to catch the ferry back home to Poole (home is just 5 minutes after leaving the docks!!!!!!), and be at home in time for lunch!!!!
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 08:59 (Ref:2676378)   #19
Le Vieux
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Originally Posted by Mal View Post
I shall be travelling in my 1961 Austin Healey 3000 on Wednesday morning from Newhaven Dieppe with 20 odd friends in a variety of cars and a van.
Interesting to note that you, too, have odd friends......
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 10:56 (Ref:2676456)   #20
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AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!
Driving down with Hursty and his bro-in-law. Late night Dover ferry on Wednesday night so hopefully arriving Arnage campsite mid-morning Thursday. Another mate coming via Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany (no really, a treat for his mother). She gets dumped at a Easyjet airport between Oberwhatsit and Le Mans and he joins us on Thursday pm at Arnage. We may have another unexpected member to our party, but for now lips are sealed. Late night ferry on the Sunday to return.

Ayse, like the sound of your plans. But don't you think you might be spending a bit too much time at the track this year? Don't want you getting bored!
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 11:23 (Ref:2676471)   #21
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Originally Posted by AllonFS View Post
Another mate coming via Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany (no really, a treat for his mother)........

We may have another unexpected member to our party, but for now lips are sealed.
My wife and kids are going to Oberammergau this year but not until August......it apparently offsets my annual pilgrimage to Le Mans!

Unexpected member? Only one name comes to mind.........
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 11:31 (Ref:2676478)   #22
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Originally Posted by Bentley03 View Post
My wife and kids are going to Oberammergau this year but not until August......it apparently offsets my annual pilgrimage to Le Mans!

Unexpected member? Only one name comes to mind.........
Still only a possibility so nothing more for now.
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 12:29 (Ref:2676528)   #23
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Originally Posted by Le Vieux View Post
Interesting to note that you, too, have odd friends......
Very much so!
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 12:39 (Ref:2676540)   #24
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Many people think that I am odd for going to the same motor race for the last 26 years, but then there are some people who have bnever been to le mans , now that is odd behaviour IMO
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Old 20 Apr 2010, 13:11 (Ref:2676569)   #25
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Elaviel should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridElaviel should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Originally Posted by GT6 View Post
Many people think that I am odd for going to the same motor race for the last 26 years, but then there are some people who have bnever been to le mans , now that is odd behaviour IMO


Many people think im odd for going and camping with you lot!!!

Sometimes it helps to be odd!
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