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Old 7 Mar 2015, 23:15 (Ref:3512847)   #1
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2015 Fantasy F1 Launch Thread

Here are the rules for the 2015 season, please read them carefully as there are changes to team selections, points and penalties.

Teams: Your Team shall be made up of 2 Drivers, a constructor and Power Unit (PU) Provider, from the table below. All 4 components of your team must not exceed the mandatory budget cap of 100,000

You may not pick 2 drivers from the same team, nor pick a constructor from which one of the Drivers comes from.
You may Not Match your Power Unit and Constructor to the real world.
It is possible that your driver will be powered by his real world power unit

For example you may not have McLaren and Honda, or Mercedes and Mercedes etc. But you could have a McLaren Driver, Mercedes as Constructor and a Honda Power Unit.

Please submit your team in the fashion below including the cost of each component and the total value:

Team Name:
Driver 1: … (Value)
Driver 2: … (Value)
Constructor: … (Value)
Power Unit: … (Value)
Total : … (Value)

Remember each team must be unique, so please check to ensure someone else hasn’t already selected that combination. If you do submit a combination already selected you'll be asked to pick again.

All Entries to submitted to this thread.
To be included for the full season, entry must be posted and confirmed before the start of Free Practice 1 of the first event.*

Entries submitted after the start of FP1 of Event one, if within the rules, will be join the competition at the next event along with any new entries. The deadline for any entry is always the start of FP1*.

Scoring: The race points shall be awarded as follows, whereby a finish is considered to be classified in the official results even if the car doesn’t actually make the checkered flag.

Driver’s points will be awarded as in previous seasons whilst the Constructor’s and PUs will use a new points scoring system exclusive to tentenths.com Fantasy F1

Drivers, Constructors and PU providers classified as finishers but not on the lead lap will be penalised as follows
1 or 2 laps down will be deducted 1 point, 3 or more laps down or DNF will be deducted 2 points. This applies to all finishers regardless of placement.

The constructors Race total shall be made up of the total score of Both Cars plus any bonuses and less any penalties.

The PU providers race total shall be made up from the first two cars powered by it across the line regardless of constructor, plus any Bonuses and less any penalties.


Changed Qualifying Bonuses this year.

Driver: Pole = 10, reaching Q3 = 6, and reaching Q2 = 3
Constructor: Pole = 5, Both Cars in Q3 = 3
Power Unit: Pole = 5, this will be the only bonus

As last year, theses bonuses are purely based on times. Should a driver/car/power unit later be penalised by the stewards, the penalties will be applied as below. Drivers/cars who gain out of others misfortune do not get additional bonuses.

Changes to the Race bonuses

For the Drivers: Fastest Lap and most laps lead = 5; Leading a lap = 2
For Constructors: Fastest Lap and Lead most Laps = 3
For the PU provider: Fastest Lap and lead most laps = 3

This season sees a change to the position gained/Lost rule.
It will now be a straight +1 for every place gained and -1 for every place lost. As before the starting positions for this is the 5 minute sting.

Did Not Finish:
This as previous years is recognised by “not classified” in the official results.
A DNF caused by Technical Failure will see the constructor penalised 5 points. Accident or accident damage will not be penalised – subject to stewards intervention.

Stewards Decisions:

DNQ and Allowed to Race - Driver will a penalty equivalent to the number of cars entered (exact number depends on Entries at event) and an additional 2 point penalty (Equivalent to leading a lap).
For Example if Manor/Marussia is not present at Australia and a driver fails to set a time in Qualification it would be a penalty of 18 Entries +2 Bonus. A total of -20 points.
The Constructor will also be penalised 10 pts per car that didn’t qualify but is allowed to race.
The driver and constructor may still be subject to further penalty should for example an out of sequence gearbox change be required.
DNQ and Not allowed to Race – The Above penalties will be doubled for both Driver and Constructor

Grid Drop penalties will now be scored at 1 point per designated place for both Driver and Constructor. Where the full grid drop can’t happen then the penalty stands as per steward’s decision.

For Example a 3 place grid drop will see the driver and constructor with “-3” added to their scores. If that driver qualifies second last, the penalty remains the same even though the actual drop is just 1 place.

If a car which qualifies last and is subject to penalty and made to start from the pitlane unless otherwise ruled by the stewards will be considered a 5 point penalty against Driver and Constructor.

Should a team withdraw a car from parc ferme conditions and start from the pitlane, this will be adjudged as a self-inflicted grid drop, with the constructor and driver penalised the number of places from their qualifying position to final qualifier. Should this be from the final qualifying position on grid then a 1 point penalty applies. There may be additional penalties applied (for example Gearbox).

Power Unit Penalties:

Each car is designated 4 power Units made up of 5 elements. Should more elements be needed, the grid drop penalties as written into the Sporting Regs will apply against the Driver, constructor and PU provider. The PU provider will be penalised separately as last season.

The sporting Regs now have in race penalties set for drivers who on taking PU components are unable to take the grid drop in full. In this case The Drivers and Constructors will be Penalised the actual number of positions dropped and the PU provider will be Penalised the Full Grid Drop.

Should a car be DSQ from the event, all points earned including Qualification Bonuses will be voided, no car gains from this. If the DSQ happens post-race, the official amended result will be the source used for scoring the event.

The Disqualified car will face the same Driver and Constructor points sanction as a DNQ and Not Allowed to Race.


Only Drivers can be changed during the season.

Should a driver be replaced the replacement driver will automatically be swapped into your Team.

Should this Driver have driven for another constructor earlier in this season meaning that your Team now breaks the rules ….Don't Worry about it.

Should you not want the replacement Driver, you can choose to make a Tactical Driver Substitution.

Should under the licence points system your driver be banned for a race or more the replacement driver will NOT score points in that/those race(s). Your team will be scored on the remaining Driver, constructor and Power unit only.
You can however choose to Substitute the banned driver ahead of FP1 of the event(s) from which he is banned.

A first change is Free, if you have already used this it will additional changes cost 20 points each.

Substitutions must be requested and confirmed in this main thread, before FP1 of the event to which it will apply.*

A constructor’s attendance will be considered as being at the circuit with an assembled garage area at the start of FP1 of an Event.
Non Attendance from the Start of the season results in 0pts for the Constructor and PU provider, and any Drivers that have been named by the team.
Once a Constructor has attended an event, any further Non Attendances will be Penalised at 20 constructor points per Car. Drivers score zero points as they remain active in the League.
Withdrawn – Single Car

Before FP1 begins: car is withdrawn is for political/budgetary purposes then a Disqualification will be applied against that car with a 10 constructor point penalty.
After FP1 has started …
Due to Driver injury and no replacement available: there will be 0 points awarded to driver, constructor and PU provider.
Due to Insufficient time or parts to rebuild the car following an accident, then a DNQ allowed to race Penalty will apply, however if the incident happened during Q2, or Q3, any qualification bonus is kept .

* If I am unable to confirm an Entry or Substitution for whatever reason ahead of FP1 starting. I will review the date stamp of the post and if within the rules will allow it.

Should anything happen out with these rules, I will deal with as fairly as possible in consultation with my fellow Mods and Site Admins.
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