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Old 30 Dec 2022, 14:32 (Ref:4138500)   #1
Peter Mallett
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T Break thread 2023

Welcome to the 2023 T Break. Happy New Year everyone.
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I've decided to stop reaching out to people. I'm just going to contact them instead.
Old 31 Dec 2022, 23:37 (Ref:4138592)   #2
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So - 2023 here and here's to a great one for all on 10/10ths....
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Old 1 Jan 2023, 00:52 (Ref:4138602)   #3
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Balls of steel (knob of butter) They're Asking For Larkins. ( Proper beer) not you're Eurofizz crap. Hace más calor en España. Me han conocido a hablar un montón cojones! Send any cheques and cash to PO box 1 Lagos Nigeria Africa !
Old 1 Jan 2023, 02:00 (Ref:4138607)   #4
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Good grief, Twenee twenee thuwee!
Where did twenee toow go?!
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Old 1 Jan 2023, 07:19 (Ref:4138641)   #5
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2022 can be flushed down the pan - what a simply ghastly year. Enjoying motorsport(as I did ) felt frivolous against the backdrop of Ukraine . I hope and pray 2023 is better . And I count the days until Goodwood MM
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Old 1 Jan 2023, 08:35 (Ref:4138647)   #6
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Just off for swim in the sea . Bonkers
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Old 1 Jan 2023, 09:35 (Ref:4138650)   #7
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Happy New Year everyone. I hope you enjoyed your swim Iain, we were on a Cornish beach on Christmas Day, but apart from getting my walking boots wet, I didn't go any nearer to the sea!
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Old 1 Jan 2023, 10:00 (Ref:4138652)   #8
Mike Harte
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Old 1 Jan 2023, 11:23 (Ref:4138657)   #9
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Last night was very nearly a "different" NYE when the truck tail lift failed at a kart track. It was in the down position obscuring the lights so no chance of driving it home and a long wait for the recovery was expected.

Turns out those red isolator switches that are so unreliable on racing cars are also unreliable when they're used on a tail lift, and the slow drive to a safe place to wait for the breakdown truck jiggled it around. While demonstrating to the gate guard just why I needed to park up outside his hut, that familiar "whirr......clunk" meant I could actually "celebrate" at home! Woo hoo!

Happy New Year everyone.

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Old 1 Jan 2023, 13:42 (Ref:4138667)   #10
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What an "uplifting" end to 2022 for you, Max!

Brought in the New Year watching Jools' Hooteneaany and marvelling that some of his guests were older than me
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Richard Murtha: You don't stop racing because you are too old, you get old when you stop racing! But its looking increasingly likely that I've stopped.....have to go back to rallying ;)
Old 1 Jan 2023, 18:16 (Ref:4138679)   #11
Cliff Ryan
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Healthy & Happy New Year to all on here, hopefully I’ll see some of you at a race meet this year.

Happy Birthday
Max, many happy returns!
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Old 1 Jan 2023, 22:08 (Ref:4138689)   #12
Paul D
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I'll add my Happy New Year wishes to those already posted.

Hope it's a good one for all on here.

Not too sorry to see the back of '22, for a variety of reasons - not least of which, from a racing perspective, was the last event of '22 (for me) at Donington back in September, which culminated in a competitor losing it right in front of me exiting the chicane, and suddenly rejoining and spearing right across the track about a car's length in front of me. No time to react and nowhere to go - slammed into it before I'd had a chance to scrub any speed off, resulting in significant damage to both cars.

I guess that's racing. Was it Mark Webber that said "If you're gonna race cars, mate, you're gonna crash cars, mate!"?
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Old 2 Jan 2023, 19:45 (Ref:4138738)   #13
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Originally Posted by Cliff Ryan View Post
Healthy & Happy New Year to all on here, hopefully I’ll see some of you at a race meet this year.

Happy Birthday

Max, many happy returns!
Thank you Cliff! I spent the day with old friends who tried to break down my resolve not to race again. Great fun!

A question raised itself at the dinner table tonight. Are there any car race circuits where there's a "God hour" on a Sunday to allow the local church service to take place?

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Old 2 Jan 2023, 20:28 (Ref:4138741)   #14
Cliff Ryan
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I think Thruxton has a Church break around 11am on Sunday & Goodwood has something similar. I know there’s no racing at Lime Rock Park in the US on a Sunday.

Max, don’t give up racing just yet, you look as if you have many years racing ahead of you looking at your profile picture
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Old 2 Jan 2023, 20:42 (Ref:4138743)   #15
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morninggents should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Originally Posted by Cliff Ryan View Post
I think Thruxton has a Church break around 11am on Sunday & Goodwood has something similar. I know there’s no racing at Lime Rock Park in the US on a Sunday.

Max, don’t give up racing just yet, you look as if you have many years racing ahead of you looking at your profile picture
Oulton Park?
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Old 2 Jan 2023, 21:18 (Ref:4138746)   #16
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Originally Posted by midgetman View Post
Thank you Cliff! I spent the day with old friends who tried to break down my resolve not to race again. Great fun!

A question raised itself at the dinner table tonight. Are there any car race circuits where there's a "God hour" on a Sunday to allow the local church service to take place?

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Anglesey - I don’t think the church is used every Sunday - might even depend on the tide as it is on an Island - but I have certainly done a CSCC meeting where we either had an early lunch break or started racing late, I can’t remember which, it was about 5/6 years ago.


Last edited by andy97; 2 Jan 2023 at 21:24.
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Old 2 Jan 2023, 21:24 (Ref:4138747)   #17
Mike Harte
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Looking at last year's BTCC timetables, Donington, Brands Indy and Snetterton had one hour breaks on Sunday mornings, Knockhill had a two hour break, whilst Oulton and Croft only started track activity at midday. Interestingly, the meeting at the end of the season on the GP circuit at didn't have a mid-morning break and nor did Silverstone.

I don't know about Castle Coombe.
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Old 3 Jan 2023, 07:19 (Ref:4138773)   #18
Gerard C
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Originally Posted by Cliff Ryan View Post
Max, don’t give up racing just yet, you look as if you have many years racing ahead of you looking at your profile picture
Max, you put together to stop racing and God hour… Are you preparing something, like a re-conversion? And this comes just after an ex Pope just left… Looking for a Snell homologated mitre or a Nomex soutane? Sultan sleepers anyone?
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Old 3 Jan 2023, 08:27 (Ref:4138779)   #19
Mike Crow
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Originally Posted by midgetman View Post
Thank you Cliff! I spent the day with old friends who tried to break down my resolve not to race again. Great fun!

A question raised itself at the dinner table tonight. Are there any car race circuits where there's a "God hour" on a Sunday to allow the local church service to take place?

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Thruxton has a 90 min break for church on Sundays. Takes quite a chunk out of a day
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Old 3 Jan 2023, 08:39 (Ref:4138787)   #20
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GORDON STREETER is going for a new world record!GORDON STREETER is going for a new world record!GORDON STREETER is going for a new world record!GORDON STREETER is going for a new world record!GORDON STREETER is going for a new world record!GORDON STREETER is going for a new world record!GORDON STREETER is going for a new world record!
The motorsport world was rocked on Tuesday morning with the news of pro rally driver and entrepreneur Ken Block's death. The American died following a snowmobile accident in Utah. The sad news was confirmed by his team at Hoonigan - a company he founded.

"It's with our deepest regrets that we can confirm that Ken Block passed away in a snowmobile accident today," Hoonigan said in a statement on Instagram.
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Balls of steel (knob of butter) They're Asking For Larkins. ( Proper beer) not you're Eurofizz crap. Hace más calor en España. Me han conocido a hablar un montón cojones! Send any cheques and cash to PO box 1 Lagos Nigeria Africa !
Old 3 Jan 2023, 08:41 (Ref:4138788)   #21
Peter Mallett
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Originally Posted by GORDON STREETER View Post
The motorsport world was rocked on Tuesday morning with the news of pro rally driver and entrepreneur Ken Block's death. The American died following a snowmobile accident in Utah. The sad news was confirmed by his team at Hoonigan - a company he founded.

"It's with our deepest regrets that we can confirm that Ken Block passed away in a snowmobile accident today," Hoonigan said in a statement on Instagram.
Yes very sad news. ?
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Old 3 Jan 2023, 09:19 (Ref:4138793)   #22
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Originally Posted by Mike Harte View Post
Looking at last year's BTCC timetables, Donington, Brands Indy and Snetterton had one hour breaks on Sunday mornings, Knockhill had a two hour break, whilst Oulton and Croft only started track activity at midday. Interestingly, the meeting at the end of the season on the GP circuit at didn't have a mid-morning break and nor did Silverstone.

I don't know about Castle Coombe.
Silverstone no longer needs to have a church break on Sundays. Brands doesn't need to take a church break on Sundays - but can't start racing until 10am. Snetterton and Donington have no restrictions on Sunday usage (apart from their respective curfews). As mentioned, Anglesey does require a tide-dependent church break. Oulton and Croft can't start racing until lunch time on Sundays. There are also various Sunday restrictions on the usage of Lydden. The usage of Kirkistown on Sundays is also heavily restricted - hence its two day meetings tend to be Fridays/Saturdays.
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Old 3 Jan 2023, 09:24 (Ref:4138794)   #23
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Originally Posted by Gerard C View Post
Max, you put together to stop racing and God hour… Are you preparing something, like a re-conversion? And this comes just after an ex Pope just left… Looking for a Snell homologated mitre or a Nomex soutane? Sultan sleepers anyone?
Brilliant Gerard! No I can confirm I am not a follower of ANY organised religion and my views would not endear me to them anyway! I am not in the running for next Pope, or Archbishop, Chief Rabbi or head of any one of the myriad religions. Unless it were my job to disband them.

As for the God hour, it cropped up because we were discussing the situation at Mansell Raceway kart track where we have to stop 11:00-12:00 for the service at the local church where there is no congregation any more. We also mentioned the TV property show "star" who allegedly bought a house locally at a knock down price "because of the noise nuisance" then campaigned to shut the circuit so she could sell at a massive profit.

Religion and "influencers", my two pet hates.

Happy New Year.

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Old 3 Jan 2023, 12:36 (Ref:4138806)   #24
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Hadn't heard about Ken Block until I checked my Facebook feed - which was blitzed with references to his passing. A real rally enthusiast, hugely competent in car control and a real showman - and by all accounts a nice guy and most importantly a husband and father. Ironic that a snowmobile accident should end his life. RIP
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Richard Murtha: You don't stop racing because you are too old, you get old when you stop racing! But its looking increasingly likely that I've stopped.....have to go back to rallying ;)
Old 3 Jan 2023, 14:19 (Ref:4138823)   #25
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Originally Posted by Lancsbreaker View Post
Hadn't heard about Ken Block until I checked my Facebook feed - which was blitzed with references to his passing. A real rally enthusiast, hugely competent in car control and a real showman - and by all accounts a nice guy and most importantly a husband and father. Ironic that a snowmobile accident should end his life. RIP
I have a friend in Canada who has to use a snowmobile at the moment as he has a farm with a huge amount of land that is covered in 5ft of snow. He said that snowmobiles are safe enough, but it's the riders that are the danger to themselves! It would appear that on average in the States there are (on average) 14000 injuries and 200 deaths a year when being used
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Balls of steel (knob of butter) They're Asking For Larkins. ( Proper beer) not you're Eurofizz crap. Hace más calor en España. Me han conocido a hablar un montón cojones! Send any cheques and cash to PO box 1 Lagos Nigeria Africa !
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