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Old 20 May 2023, 12:09 (Ref:4156918)   #1
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whitemr2 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridwhitemr2 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridwhitemr2 should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid

It's time to talk about the weather, and remember, the R word is not permitted.
And it looks good, in fact it never looked better (at least today).
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Driving my '95 GT2 winner to Le Mans, again and again and again and again and again....
Old 20 May 2023, 12:27 (Ref:4156921)   #2
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That's the spirit!
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Old 20 May 2023, 13:42 (Ref:4156934)   #3
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Originally Posted by Aysedasi View Post
That's the spirit!
A small quantity of H2O should respect History.
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Old 20 May 2023, 15:14 (Ref:4156954)   #4
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As the great jason stathum said it always XXXXX in le mans
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Old 20 May 2023, 15:15 (Ref:4156955)   #5
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But the actual reality is that it doesn't......
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Old 20 May 2023, 15:18 (Ref:4156956)   #6
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damp track and cars changing tyres always adds some excitement but i prefer dry and sunny
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Old 20 May 2023, 16:45 (Ref:4156987)   #7
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Well if it's going to be wall to wall sun, does anyone have a good solar powered power pack type thing they'd recommend? No power on our campsite this year - same situation for many.
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Old 21 May 2023, 05:43 (Ref:4157093)   #8
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May be you could consider renting a generator? Anker products are out of stock and generally speaking you'll have to invest c 100 € to produce 3 Amps. Not really cost effective but if you're lost in the jungle…
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Old 29 May 2023, 08:19 (Ref:4158703)   #9
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Weather maps are beginning to look encouraging... The few I've looked at seem to highlight only Sunday morning of the race as having potential for minor weather disappointment.....
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Old 29 May 2023, 08:55 (Ref:4158708)   #10
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I think its too far to get an accurate forecast, confidence index is 2/5 ATM. The sites you can use as far as F is concerned are either Meteo France or accuweather.

Today: https://meteofrance.com/previsions-m.../le-mans/72000
As you say, slight disappointment on Sunday could happen (early hours). C'est bon pour les tomates et les salades as they say in Essex!
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Old 29 May 2023, 09:10 (Ref:4158716)   #11
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It will be what it will be, nothing we can do about it but blame Andrew if it is not warm and sunny, that is what we have done for decades now
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Old 29 May 2023, 09:13 (Ref:4158717)   #12
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Old 30 May 2023, 13:26 (Ref:4158848)   #13
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Well the bbc are not looking so promising for the weather now showing andrews favourite stuff for wednesday thursday and friday but still nice and warm. However that is the bbc so usually about as accurate as my darts ability
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Old 30 May 2023, 14:35 (Ref:4158859)   #14
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Benedict should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
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Old 30 May 2023, 16:15 (Ref:4158872)   #15
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The works teams use a very sophisticated and accurate system, may be you saw it from RB screens at Monaco. In France, the free version from Meteo France is good but mainly we use accuweather. ATM forecast for the race is sunny and 28° C. Very hot.
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Old 30 May 2023, 16:32 (Ref:4158876)   #16
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Just looked at that and it seems to think it will be better tahn the bbc one, however it is saying 25% risk of andrews favourite stuff on thursday
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Old 30 May 2023, 16:39 (Ref:4158879)   #17
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In another thread I read that you Beeb is no more accurate in this matter. Yes, I saw that on Thursday Andrew could be spoiled… He will be dried before the race! As PascaLM said, you must respect History. C'est bon pour les patates et le Ricard!
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Old 31 May 2023, 10:47 (Ref:4158937)   #18
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dblue should be qualifying in the top 5 on the griddblue should be qualifying in the top 5 on the grid
So generally try to ignore long range predictions on weather

But now we're nearly there it's impossible not to take a peak.
Always favoured Meteo France as I figure they should know right?
So this morning was mildly depressing , have to be honest, not great.
BBC MUCH better - lets hope they're right, not the Frenchies
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Old 31 May 2023, 11:10 (Ref:4158941)   #19
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Looking around -

Accuweather - showing no sign of any non-sun at all from Monday to Sunday - temps between 25-28.

BBC - Monday to Thursday - sunny. Friday sunny/nonsun showers. No other non-sun predicted until Monday. Temps also 25-28.

Meteoblue - Completely different - predicting thunderstorms in the first part of the week and a sun/non-sun mix for the rest of it. Also predicting lower temps of 21-24.

Metcheck - Predicting no non-sun at all all week. Temps between 23-26 (notably hotter in afternoons/evenings)
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Old 31 May 2023, 11:52 (Ref:4158943)   #20
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Remember, there are two main systems for forecast : GFS (American) and CEP (European). It's better to wait the convergence of their forecasts.
And it looks better than what Meteo France and BBC showed some days ago.
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Old 31 May 2023, 11:57 (Ref:4158944)   #21
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We do this every year don't we Pascal? And the weather normally turns out different to all of the forecasts. I've been several times when wall to wall non-sun was predicted only to encounter dry weather almost throughout. And, occasionally the other way around. From my recent memory, it has generally been at scrutineering that we've had the worst weather....

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Old 31 May 2023, 12:08 (Ref:4158948)   #22
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It will be what it will be, unless someone on the forum has an ability to change the weather there is noything we can do about it, But i like the Andrew approach it WILL BE WARM AND SUNNY
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Old 31 May 2023, 12:11 (Ref:4158949)   #23
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Positivity is the key....
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Old 31 May 2023, 12:17 (Ref:4158953)   #24
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Originally Posted by Aysedasi View Post
Positivity is the key....
stay positive but pack a waterproof just in case
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Old 31 May 2023, 14:47 (Ref:4158982)   #25
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I only use the weather.com app on my phone. That one is showing a 50/50 chance of that stuff we don’t get too often out here in sunny California. But temperatures look nice.
Anyhow, I’ll try to bring all the sun with me.
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